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Soles to Souls (Room 6)
Sundays at 10 AM

Soles to Souls is a dynamic group of high energy, swing-dancing, adventure-having, fun-loving (mostly) retirees that gather weekly for Bible Study on Sunday Mornings. This group does a mixture of video studies, book studies, and has occasional special guest speakers. Soles to Souls loves to learn together but also to serve together! You can find almost any of them involved in Northwood Community Center or serving in weekly tasks around the church. Friends of all ages are invited to join this group any time for chatting, learning, or growing deeper in your faith. Led by Edith and Dave Yarbrough. 

Family Matters (Room 206)
Sundays at 10 AM

Family Matters is a group of parents that gather weekly to fellowship and learn together. The attendees of this class have children ranging in age from infant - 16-years-old. The group focuses on the struggles, rewards, and general daily life of child-rearing. This is not a couples group, though couples are certainly welcome to attend! Our young families group believes in doing life together and serves as one another's "village" when it comes to loving and caring for the children of Covenant Church. All are welcome to join them on Sunday mornings. Led by Heath and Lia Gilley.

FaithLink (Room 2)
Sundays at 10 AM

FaithLink is a group of almost/newly empty nesters that gather weekly for Bible Study on Sunday Mornings. This group does a mixture of video studies, book studies, and has occasional special guest speakers. The FaithLink class loves to laugh, discuss current events, and share yummy pastries and treats each week. They ALWAYS have coffee ready to go. Our FaithLink class is faithful to serve us our 5th Sunday breakfast and loves to jump in and help in any way they can. Friends of all ages are invited to join this group any time for chatting, learning, or growing deeper in your faith. Led by Shelli York and Kent Kabler.

Key Class (Room 8)
Sundays at 10 AM

Key Class is a faithful group of folks that are dedicated to their weekly studies. This group is always taking care of one another through prayer, visits, and regular check-ins. Key Class also meets monthly to enjoy a lunch out together. They faithfully study the Bible through weekly quarterlies and will meet for Sunday school at every opportunity (even most holidays)! This group works together with 4 leaders that each take a week of the month. Many of these members have been a part of Covenant for a long time and they are faithful in their serving and sharing. All are welcome to join them on Sunday mornings. Led by Bill Schneider.

New Connections (Room 10)
Sundays at 10 AM

New Connections is a group of various ages and backgrounds that meets weekly for animated discussion, regular giving and serving, and to share prayer requests with one another. New Connections functions very much like one big family! They enjoy welcoming new members and get together regularly for seasonal or occasional parties and gatherings such as: Super Bowl, 4th of July, Christmas, etc. If you are not sure where to start at Covenant, New Connections is a great first step! This group is centrally located in the building and always happy to see a new face. Their studies are led by a variety of teachers with a varies of perspectives. This group does a mixture of video studies, book studies, and has occasional special guest speakers. New Connections is known for their yummy snack gatherings and their willingness to step up to the plate and serve others! Friends of all ages are invited to join this group any time for chatting, learning, or growing deeper in your faith. Led by Jason Trost.

Shine (Room 11) Women's Group
Sundays at 10 AM

Shine is a group of women that meet weekly to share prayer requests and concerns, participate in Bible study, and plan/dream about Women's Ministry events and goals for the future. This group is small but mighty - with an average of 6-7 women they are are all committed to growing deeper in their faith as they also attempt to support each other through daily life. The Women of Shine are open to attendees of all ages and backgrounds... some have children, others do not. Their subject matter is specifically focused around womanhood and not about parenting or relationships. If you'd like to join this group, they would welcome you with open arms! Led by Hilah Cook.

Other Adult Small Groups

Girlfriend's Bible Study: Meets from Labor Day to Memorial Day on Wednesdays at 10 AM in Room 6. Girlfriend's is for women of all ages that want to dive deeper into their faith through sisterhood. The Girlfriends group love to fellowship and chat, enjoy yummy snacks, and take their faith formation seriously as they often tackle deep/heavy topics and grow together through their learning processes.

Led by Sue Jones.

Monday Morning Men: Meets Mondays at 8 AM in room 10. The Monday Morning Men's group meets faithfully each week at 8 AM in Room 10. Come hungry! You can always expect these guys to offer you a Granny's Donut. These men gather for prayer to discuss scripture. They do a variety of studies. Any one is welcome to join them at any time! 

Led by Butch Johnson.

Chancel Choir: Meets Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Choir Room. This group gets together to sing and rehearse... but they are so much more! The Choir is a small group of its own as they celebrate together, pray for one another, gather for holiday parties, and provide community regularly. All are welcome to join the choir, but be prepared to praise God with your voice! 

Led by Stephen Durr.

1526 Skeet Club Rd. High Point, NC 27265


Michelle Higgins, Office Manager


Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - noon

Saturday closed; Sunday worship

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